Monday, January 2, 2012

what is currently driving me crazy

I thought I would have a million things on which to comment, but day two into this flu bug I  have little of interest to share.

 Other than;
  •  Why if you have intestinal complaint does it hurt under your ribs? 
  •  How can you sleep all day and still be tired? 
  • Why is there nothing that interests me on TV?  Re runs of Chopped just don't cut it. 
  • Why is my current book is an easy to lay down. 
  • Will I feel worse if I eat?  The man in my life made turkey soup, but he did ask me for my input.

I have been thinking about Boxing week sales and why most people rush out to make purchases for themselves right after Christmas?  The man (in my life) says that sales appeal to the buyer, they see what they are saving - not what they are spending.

I think that after spening their cash on others, most want something for themselves?  But then, No One Asked Me!


  1. well sometimes boxing day sales are nice, such as when you need to get glasses and they are half price so you can buy yourself two for the price of one. :) But mostly boxing day sales make me a bit peeved. Because if large corporations can slash their prices so much for a week....exactly how much mark up are we paying every other day??

  2. going to respond to this one too!!I go out every boxing day shopping, I like picking up buys on Movies (DVDs) for myself,the household things (like toilet tissue, paper towel, cleaners)are slashed priced... I also try to Christmas shop for others for the next year, if I'm lucky enough to find anything..I buy all my Christmas cards at 50%-70% off, wrapping paper ,etc,,,,so I never have to pay full price for Christmas cards or paper...So yeah I think the sales are great....I agree with Beck on the prices of things .....makes one wonder...
